
President:  Kim Halpin

Vice President:   Vacant

Past President:  Linda Love

Recording Secretary:  Janet Melillo

Treasurer:  Vicky Reed

Corresponding Secretary:  Marilyn Maine



Historian:  Rita Saidel

Nominating:  Linda Soto

Program Volunteer Services:  Vicky Cappellino

Membership:  Dawn MacDonald

Publicity:  Tammy Finley


Event/Committe Directors

Antiques in the Park:  Kim Halpin and Nancy Green

Book Cart:  Nancy Green

Gift Shop:  Kim Halpin

Golf Tournament:  Vicky Reed

No Bake Sale:  Joan Mason

Scholarship:  Janet Melillo

Soup/Sweets Sale:  Tammy Finley

Wreath Sale:  Clara Cummings and Marilyn Maine


President Kim Halpin
Corresponding Secretary Marilyn Maine and Program Volunteer Services Vicky Cappellino
Book Cart Director Nancy Green, Past President Linda Love, Nominating Director Linda Soto and Membership Director Dawn MacDonald
Treasurer Vicky Reed
Secretary Janet Melillo, Historian Rita Saidel, Publicity Director Tammy Finley and No Bake Sale Director Joan Mason